Monday, September 24, 2007

A Good Nutritionist Is An Invaluable Asset To You

Are you overweight, or do you just want to control your diet?
Perhaps you just want to make sure that you're getting a
properly balanced diet into your body. Whatever the reason, you
can get your answers from a nutritionist. These trained
professionals can help you with all your dietary problems and
give you a guiding hand in the right direction.

With the help of a good nutritionist you can bring your diet
back into control. They can help you to find out why you're
overeating, and what foods cause you the most problems. Once you
do that, then your nutritionist can also help you to draw up a
plan on which you can base your day to day dietary needs. If you
have trouble keeping to a strict diet then your nutritionist can
help you there too. They can recommend alternate foods, or
methods for you to be able to keep your diet intact.

If you're dieting in earnest, then your nutritionist will
become your best friend through the many weeks until you reach
your target weight. They won't let you lose the weight so fast
that you get other medical conditions, and they won't let you
get disheartened either when your weight loss levels out onto a
plane, and it might seem like you're not losing any weight. And
when the pressure gets to be too unbearable a good nutritionist
will help you through those tough times, giving you a friendly
helping hand.

You'll also need to see a nutritionist if you're suffering from
a medical condition such as diabetes or gluten intolerance. In
either case you'll need a special diet to take over your
existing one. For a diabetic especially this can be hard going
and your nutritionist can help you work out a dietary regime
that will still leave you with a wide array of foods to choose
from. Mealtimes need not look so bleak, and you might even find
yourself looking forward to whatever new menu plan that your
nutritionist and you cooked up between the two of you.

For a person suffering from gluten intolerance life is slightly
easier, but as your nutritionist will tell you it's not clear
sailing until you've eliminated gluten from your diet
completely. Most likely your nutritionist will also be able to
tell you what ready made foods and such are known to have gluten
or even traces of gluten in them so you can stay away from those
items, but still not miss on out on the plethora of ready made
and tinned stuffs that line the grocery store shelves.

If you want to see a nutritionist there's nothing simpler and
your doctor can probably point you in the right direction first
of all. A good nutritionist is an invaluable asset to most
people, and should be thought of as such.

About The Author: Author's sites: , ,

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Nutritional Supplements: Why Become A Distributor?

Okay, that's a good question. While everyone who starts a
business looks to make an income, the most successful of these
will do it for another reason. I could give you a list of how
much money changed hands in the field, but that would only give
you what you may already know. If you are looking to make an
income, either part or full-time, then you have already done
your research when it comes to how much you can earn. But you
may still have doubts before you get started; so you know that
money can't possibly be the only reason to become a distributor.
One of the best reasons to begin your business hinges on you.
Yep, you got it. It all comes down to what you think of the
product, how much you believe in it, and what your goals are.

What do you think of the product? In order to effectively sell
something you must believe in it. Granted your personal tastes
won't matter in the actual selling. Let's face it, we all know
someone who can sell just about anything. But to be believable
you have to have faith that the product will sell nicely. If you
are looking to join forces with a certain company to become a
distributor, then you should know that company well. So well
that you are currently, or have been in the past, a customer
yourself. That much belief and dedication to a product will give
you a good head-start on being a distributor for them.

How much do you believe in the product? If you are familiar
with the product, then as previously mentioned, you already have
an advantage when it comes to this question. Your motives for
wanting to become a distributor are clear. But if this is a new
product, and you're thinking of getting in on the ground floor,
then you still need to know the answer. Know the benefits of the
merchandise. Know all there is to know about it. You will be
asked some tough questions when trying to make a sell. The more
of them you can answer, and truthfully, will correlate to how
well you will do in the business.

What are your goals for your business? Well, sure, you want to
be successful, but how are you going to achieve that objective?
How much time, money, and effort are you willing to pay out?
Just wanting it to work will not be enough to make it work. If
you don't think you can give it the enthusiasm that it needs to
be successful, then put it on the back burner for now. Give
yourself the time to come back to it at a later date. Besides,
if it's a good product it will still be around, and with a
better client base.

Consider what we've discussed as the other reason to start a
business. Know your product. Know the company. Know your limits.
If becoming a distributor is something that you think you could
be successful at, then give it a go. But do it for the right
reasons. It makes no sense to do it any other way.

About The Author: Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients
Representative. His clients range from actresses to pro
athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nutritional Supplements VS Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative diseases are the ones in which the function or
structure of the affected tissues or organs will
progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal
bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating
habits. The four mayor degenerative diseases that are
affecting people around the world are DIABETES, CANCER,
CARDIOVASCULAR and Strokes. Here are some actual
statistics about degenerative diseases:

- Chronic disease is responsible for 60% of all deaths

- 1970 in the US for every 100,000 people there was 700
with several types of cancer.

- 2007 in the US for every 100,000 people there are 15000
with several types of cancer.

- The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2007 about
168,000 cancer deaths are expected to be caused by tobacco

- Scientific evidence suggest that about one third of the
556,650 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2007 will be
related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity,
nutrition and thus can also be PREVENTED.

- Most Cancers do not result from inherited genes but from
damage (mutation) to genes that occur during one's
lifetime. Mutations may results from internal factors such
as hormones or the digestion of nutrients within cells, or
external factors such tobacco, chemicals and sunlight.

- There are 20.8 million children and adults in the United
States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes.
While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed,
unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are
unaware that they have the disease.

- The total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2002 was
estimated to be $132 billion, or one out of every 10 health
care dollars spent in the United States.

- Almost half of chronic disease deaths occur in people
under the age of 70

- Around the world, chronic disease affects women and men
almost equally

- One billion adults are overweight , without action, this
figure will surpass 1.5 billion by 2015 - 22 million
children under five years old are overweight

- If the major risk factors for chronic disease were
eliminated, at least 80% of heart disease, stroke and type
2 diabetes would be prevented; and 40% of cancer would be

- The major risk factors for chronic disease are an
unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use.

One of the mayor causes of degenerative diseases is having
an unhealthy diet. In our days we eat a lot of waste food
full of carbohydrates and FAT. Plus we don't make enough
physical activities or exercise to maintain true health.
Our body cells are deteriorating very fast because they
don't receive enough vital nutrients.

For the most part, we suffer from painful degenerative
diseases because we deny to our bodies the proper nutrients
to maintain health. For this reason Nutrition have to be
the start of your lifestyle to get optimal health. Your
daily diet must provide the essential nutrients for cells
to function properly. To maintain health, we need a
diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other
nutrients. Although we receive many of these nutrients from
our diets, it's impractical and virtually impossible to
obtain an optimal those through diet alone

Unfortunately today's food is full of chemicals and
hormones, derivate of their own production process. Back in
1960 the chicken grows process use to take about 3 to 4
months. Now, in our days, one little chicken its feed by
hormones and other chemicals ingredients that make his grow
process faster. A little one takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow and
been prepare to be sell at the stores. Imagine the quantity
of bath nutrients that we are ingested.

We can't control how our food it's processed and in most
cases manufactured. We can't control the environmental
contamination that it's causing to our bodies and cells
degenerative diseases like Cancer. But there is an aspect
that we still can control. Our nutrition and lifestyle. If
we start a healthy diet plus some good and quality exercise
routines we can take control of our health.

Nutritional Supplements are one good choice to maintain
optimal health. That's because they offer advanced
nutritional formulas that supply the right ingredients in
the correct amounts, at the precise balance. The U.S.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) lists essential
vitamins and minerals in amounts necessary to ensure a
continuation of life and to address nutritional deficits
that may cause acute deficiency and degenerative diseases.
To be useful, all nutrients must be of high quality and be
bioavailable; in other words, in a form the body can absorb
and use.

There is still much we don't know about the ways nutrients
work together. A healthy body is an extremely complex
system, and each functional area requires a diverse mix of
nutrients. For many reasons, nutritional supplementation
should provide nutrients that are both balanced and in
adequate doses. For example, certain vitamins supplied in
isolation can result in other nutritional deficiencies, and
many micronutrients can be toxic at excessive or imbalanced

For this reason if are you preparing your self to start
healthy life with nutritional supplements you must research
first what are the best products in the market. Do some
homework and examine diverse nutritional supplementations
options before taking one. After all it's your health.

About the Author:

Learn more about Nutritional Supplements and other health
related issues like weight loss at

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nutritional Supplements and Your Health

Walk through any supermarket or retail chain store and you will find rows upon rows of health supplements; in fact, go to the mall and you will find entire stores dedicated to them. It is absolutely mind boggling how many there are to choose from, and it leaves a person wondering if they should buy several supplements for optimum health, or go with a once-a-day vitamin to cure all their nutritional ailments.

In theory, a nutritional supplement is supposed to supply nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, that are missing from a person's diet and are essential for someone's health. Herbal supplements are also included under the umbrella term "supplements."

Most herbs and botanicals that are found in these supplements are naturally occurring in different parts of the world. Somewhere along the way, someone came up with the idea of bottling and selling them. Some Supplements claim to help you reduce your risk of just about everything, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety and fatigue. And there are also supplements that claim to help increase your motivation, concentration, and your metabolism. So, which do you choose?

First, before you buy anything, you should assess exactly what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Choosing supplements that are designed to work to lower your blood pressure are not going to help with your cholesterol problem. Next, talk to your doctor about your health, if for no other reason than to let them know what you are taking. Sometimes naturally occurring substances, no matter how harmless they seem, can have an adverse reaction to your health when mixed with prescribed medication.

So, when searching for supplements specifically to keep your heart healthy, you should look for those that contain ingredients that address the major risk factors that can lead to heart disease. These include: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, stress and physical inactivity.

Without a doubt, there are a lot to choose from, and you must be careful that you don't get caught buying a product that will provide no benefit at all. Make sure that the company producing the vitamins has published clinical trials of their studies related to the product.

In order for one of these studies to get published in a scientific journal the scientific community as a whole must agree upon the findings. There are not very many natural health companies with published studies. Most companies hire their own scientists and do biased testing on their products.

However, within the good natural health companies there are a number of great products that have been designed by nutritionists and researchers to naturally lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, reduce stress and increase energy levels throughout the day; as a direct result, these also encourage an increase in physical activity. Some supplements that do just that are Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, and C and B vitamins.

If stress and anxiety seem to plague your health, don't worry, there's a natural supplement for that. For anyone, you know that short-term stress is unavoidable. Sometimes, chronic or long term stress can be caused by your job, financial worries and your personal relationships. This too may be unavoidable.

Without a major life change, it is often impossible to alter these specific situations; luckily, it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease.

One of the supplements you can take to help with anxiety is Ginkgo Biloba, combined with ginger. This supplement has been shown to reduce anxiety caused by chronic stress. Individuals in chronic stress situations should also consider taking extra vitamin C because stress quickly zaps the level of vitamin C in your blood stream. A lack of vitamin C can lead to low energy and can mimic the symptoms of iron deficiency, so it may be worth a check with your doctor to rule out anemia.

In addition to all the above, it is also important to note that a recent 2007 study found that regular supplementation with vitamin E, beta carotene, and vitamin A increased mortality by four, seven, and 16 percent respectively. Not only can supplements help you have more energy and feel better, they can help you live longer too! Who can argue with that?

Overall, most agree that supplements are a good way to fill in the health gaps that your not-always-balanced diet leaves behind. In addition, for those times when you are not able to get a good night's sleep, or you are suffering from a bad week at work, these natural products can help ease your anxiety and make you feel as though you are back on a level playing field. When it comes to your health you just can't neglect your body and what you are putting into it.

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from all across the country sky-rocket their health and well-being. Find out how you can get your hands on the best natural supplements at:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Link Between Oral Health and Nutrition in Texas

According to the latest medical research, there is a correlation between a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Most Texans understand the popular link between healthy eating to prevent heart disease and keeping a normal body weight. Now individuals in Dallas, Houston, Austin and the rest of Texas need to think about food decisions to benefit the health of their mouths.

Sure, all that sugary food contributes to cavities, but there are other connections that link our diets and our mouths.

The status of our mouth can tell a lot about what we put into it. A poor diet can cause health issues for individuals in Texas including chronic bad breath, but it can also cause oral health problems like periodontal disease. This is the inflammation and destruction of the tissues and structures that hold our teeth in place. You can get everything from mouth sores, tooth pain and tooth loss, and that can lead to a downward spiral of other health concerns. Health issues with an individual's mouth can happen at any age, not just with the elderly.

Once periodontal disease starts, it can worsen to other conditions related to diet, including uncontrolled diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and poor immune status. Other oral risk factors include poor oral hygiene, smoking and stress. On top of it all, inadequate calories and nutrients don't allow for repair and maintenance of oral tissues, even with the best immune system.

Aside from the increased risk of periodontal disease, with uncontrolled diabetes, there is also the increased concern for cavities and bacterial or fungal growth in the mouth. That is because of the higher sugar level in the saliva that washes the teeth. Furthermore, diabetes can increase the risk of mouth infections because wound healing is compromised.

In addition, studies exist that have linked an increased risk of periodontal disease to obesity and insulin resistance. This is because they appear to be connected with increased inflammation in the body.

Other factors that can also contribute to mouth problems include "dry mouth." This condition can increase the risk of cavities and other mouth problems. The increased frequency of acidic foods/beverages or acid in the mouth from vomiting -- linked to eating disorders like bulimia -- or esophageal reflux (GERD) can wear tooth enamel, causing tooth erosion.

Even some mouth and throat cancers may be diet related. Most importantly, a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be beneficial in reducing the risk of some oral-related cancers, and may be critical to the overall health of the gum tissues.

A recent survey indicates that about 42 percent of children and adolescents age 6 to 16 years have some level of tooth decay. In adults, it is about 90 percent.

With some age groups in Texas, the number of cavities has declined over the past few years. Yet tooth decay is still a major issue in infants and preschool children. One reason is prolonged or inappropriate bottle-feeding. Plus, sweetened beverages or a high intake of fruit juice and processed foods seem to be major contributors to tooth problems with babies and young children.

In adolescents and young adults, intake of sweetened and/or acidic beverages, like soda or sports drinks, is also a big problem. Processed or sweetened snack foods not only directly contribute to tooth problems, but also often replace a diet of healthy foods needed for oral health. Many age groups don't consume enough recommended intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other less processed nutrient-rich foods that can benefit oral and whole body health.

Some recent studies show a relationship between vitamin D intake and the risk of periodontal disease. Surprisingly, many Texans show some level of vitamin D deficiency.

Dentists and physicians recommend that individuals include omega 3 fatty acids and active cultures, like those in yogurt, in their diet to help to reduce the risk of inflammation and boost the immune system.

Minding your mouth and its health will certainly affect you as you age, and eventually your wallet as well.

Pat Carpenter writes for Precedent Insurance Company. Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at