Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Your First Week Taking a Nutritional Supplement - The Loading Phase

This article provides some suggestions on taking your
nutritional supplement during the first week to first
month. This period is often called the Loading Phase and
consists of taking a Loading Dose of your nutritional
supplement. While this article concentrates on starting an
Aloe Vera and Sea Vegetable supplement it can be
effectively applied to starting a variety of liquid
nutritional supplements. This article shows you how to get
the best and the most from every serving you take during
those important first few weeks of starting your vitamin

So, how much should you take during the loading phase?

First, if you have not already done so, complete a Health
Evaluation Questionnaire and determine your health index.
Once you complete the questionnaire and have determined
your health index, view the article on "Evaluating Your
Health Index and What to Do with the Results." With the
results of the questionnaire and the evaluation of your
health index, you will have an exact idea of the amount and
frequency of your liquid nutritional vitamin that you
should be taking on a regular basis. If you simply wanted
to taste the supplement to see if it is right for you, a
serving of one to two ounces is adequate. You will not
receive any immediate health benefits but at least you can
see if you like the taste!

How to Take Your Loading Serving:

1. For most people, but confirm it during the evaluation
process of your Health Index, they will consume two ounces
of an Aloe Vera and Sea Plant supplement two to three times
per day.

2. Measure two ounces of the supplement and pour it into a
drinking glass. Drink this all at once or sip it. Holding
it under your tongue is the best way to start the
absorption process of a liquid vitamin. There are special
cells under the tongue designed to absorb nutrient dense
liquids such as your favorite liquid nutritional supplement.

3. Take your second two-ounce serving at least four to six
hours after your first. Your body has probably used up the
nutrients you consumed earlier in the day. It craves more
nutrients to continue the regeneration and healing process
it started earlier. More fuel is required during this
first phase. You want to saturate your body with the
nutrients, which is why it is called the Loading Phase.
You are loading your body with the nutrients it needs to
kick start the healing process.

4. If you want to or feel you need to, try a third
two-ounce serving late in the evening.

5. Follow this Loading Serving Procedure for at least one
week. You can then transition to the Maintenance Phase
taking a Maintenance Serving. A Maintenance Serving is
typically two to four ounces once per day, usually in the

Loading Serving Tips

The Loading Serving is a relatively large amount of Aloe
Vera and Sea Vegetables. Many people are rushed from the
start of the day until their head hits the pillow.
Ideally, you should take a few minutes to hold at least a
few sips under your tongue. If you are rushed, you can
drink the rest, but try to hold some of the supplement
under your tongue as recommended. You will maximize
absorption and the benefits to your body by holding the
liquid supplement under your tongue for at least 10 seconds.

Another way to maximize the benefits of taking your
supplement is to spread these initial doses throughout the
day. This provides your body with a more consistent supply
of nutrients and healing compounds. Your liquid
nutritional supplement is (or should be) a whole food. It
is not a time released capsule full of binder and filler
materials that enable a slow release. Your body will begin
to absorb and make use of your liquid nutritional
supplement almost immediately. So spreading the doses out
throughout the day will provide your body with the maximum
effects and enable a more consistent healing and
regenerative process.

Listen to Your Body

After taking the Loading Dose for a few days, you may sense
that taking six or even four ounces per day is too much.
This may be a subtle feeling but you should trust your body
in telling you the right amount of supplement to consume.
Cut back to two or three ounces for the day. The next day,
try to resume the Loading Dose regimen. After a few days,
your body may already be telling you that the Loading Phase
is done and you are ready to start the Maintenance Phase.
It may help to refer back to your Health Evaluation
Questionnaire and note any changes you may be experience as
a result of Loading with your liquid nutritional supplement.

Getting Rid of the Toxins in Your Body through Cleansing

It is worth spending a moment to discuss cleansing. For
some individuals when starting an Aloe Vera-based
supplement they experience a cleansing reaction. Common
cleansing reactions include: bad breath, increased body
odor, sinus or chest congestion, emotional release,
fatigue, foul smelling urine, headaches, heavier than usual
menstruation, intestinal gas or bloating, loose stools,
sudden joint pain (not due to injury), mucus discharge,
skin rashes, and swollen glands. Not a pretty picture!
That almost sounds as bad as one of those drug commercials
on TV! Naturally, these symptoms can be caused by other
health conditions which may need the attention of a
physician. But if these symptoms begin suddenly and within
a day or two after starting the Loading Phase or an
increase in your daily serving, it is possible they are
indeed cleansing reactions.

When you examine the list of cleansing reactions they all
have one thing in common ' your body is trying to get rid
of some type of toxin or toxins stored within your body.
Hence the name, cleansing. Your body is cleansing itself
of the toxins. Why now? Why during the Loading Phase?
The reason is that until you started the loading phase,
your body did not have the tools, the nutrients, it
required to remove the toxins it had previously absorb and
stored. Now that it has the nutrients, the tools to do the
work, the toxins are being released. It is a good thing
that your body is going through cleansing. The alternative
is that you continue to store the toxins, gradually
increasing the aging process, and gradually getting sicker.
Your body needs to get rid of the toxins by completing the
cleansing process.

It is important that if you are experiencing a cleansing
reaction that you do not stop taking your liquid
nutritional supplement. If you feel you can comfortably
live with the symptoms for a few days, then continue with
your current serving amount. If you feel you need to
manage the reactions a bit more closely, then try cutting
your servings in half on a temporary basis allowing time
for your body to more gradually remove the toxins. In
either case, increase the amount of purified water that you
drink. Your body uses water to flush out the toxins and
providing extra water will enable your body to do it

Remember to take the Health Evaluation Questionnaire to
determine your Health Index for the recommend amount of
nutritional supplement you should take during the Loading
Phase. Hold it under your tongue for maximum absorption
and take it every day as recommended. The benefits to you
of any nutritional supplement will come over time, so
consistency is very important. Follow these guidelines and
enjoy your Way to Wellness.

About the Author:

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several
businesses and is currently working with Life Force
International. You can obtain a Health Evaluation
Questionnaire at and obtain
a quart of a liquid nutritional supplement FREE. You can
also call Ron toll free at 1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vitamins For Hair Loss - What Honestly Works?

Hair loss is a horrible epidemic that faces both men and women
every year. It's a problem that comes with aging that both men
and women fear ever facing. In this article I will go over
various ways you can keep your hair on your head longer. There
are many vitamins that work very well in keeping your hair
feeling strong and healthy. Always consult with a doctor or
health professional before making any changes to your health.

Hair is not an essential to live a healthy life, although it
can provide a lot of anxiety and stress when an individual
observes hair loss, thinning, or changing.

The average growth rate of hair is 1.2cm per month. Hair is
known to grow fastest in women between 15 and 30 years of age.
Let's go over some home remedies to keep your hair on your head:

•Rubbing of the scalp as treatment for hair loss is known to be
one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment and
prevention of hair loss. Vigorously rub your scalp with your
fingers after washing your hair with cold water. The scalp
should continued to be rubbed until it starts to tingle with a
heat sensation.

•Hair loss home remedy treatment by using Amla Oil has shown to
be extremely effective in enriching the growth of hair. The
Amla Oil can be prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in
coconut oil. Be sure to mix an equal quantity of fresh amla
juice and lime juice to be used as a shampoo.

•Hair loss home remedy treatment by using Alfalfa has shown to
be effective in combination of equal quantities of lettuce and
carrot juice. The combination of these juices is very rich in
elements that known to be especially useful for the growth of

•Hair loss home remedy treatment by using Onion has shown to be
very beneficial in preventing baldness. The affected part of
the head should be rubbed morning and evening until it shows
red. Rub the affected part with honey afterwards.

•Hair loss home remedy treatment by using Liquorice has shown
to be an effective remedy for patchy baldness. Apply the paste
over the bald parts of the head before going to sleep at night.
Follow the above home remedies along with the tips below to
help prevent hair loss:

1.Healthy and balanced food intake – Keeping your hair on your
head depends a lot on the type of food you intake on a daily
basis. People that have a known tendency to lose their hair
should be sure to have a healthy and correct diet which is made
up of wholesome foods. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables,
vitamins, and grains.

2.Cleaning your hair – Proper cleaning of your hair is key to
keeping your hair healthy. Rub your scalp with a clean towel
immediately after washing.

Hair is a physical feature that no man or woman wants to lose.
Try a remedy from home today and figure out what will work for

About The Author: Kim Grace has a long family history of
doctors, herbalists, and acupuncturists that date back for more
than half of a century. She has created a comprehensive guide of
the most effective and natural home remedies. Learn more at

Monday, March 10, 2008

Anti-aging Vitamins - Fighting Free Radicals.

Anti-oxidants are the protective force that fight against free
radicals. Anti aging vitamins assist by increasing the intake of

Anti aging vitamins are necessary for fighting free radicals
that cause oxidative stress and the aging process. A free
radical is an unstable molecule which runs amok, puncturing cell
membranes, destroying enzymes and weakening arteries. They do
occur naturally but are also generated by UV radiation,
environmental pollutants and food additives to name a few.

There are two methods of countering aging and degenerative
diseases (both free radical based).

1. Limiting free radical exposure. (another topic)

2. Increasing the intake of anti-oxidants using anti-aging

Although the key anti-oxidants overlap they all have special
skills so a variety is required.
Note if you are taking any type of medication, seek medical
advice before using anti ageing vitamins.

The six essential anti-aging vitamins are;

Vitamin C

- This powerhouse anti-oxidant is the workhorse of the detox
system, invariably under-supplied, anti aging vitamin c lowers
blood pressure, boosts the immune system, fights colds an flu,
increases sperm production and is a great cancer fighter.

This water soluble blood specialist must be buffered (buffered
vitamin C offers the same benefits of regular vitamin C and is
ideal for those with sensitive stomachs. Buffered vitamin C
contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium to
help with digestion and provide the "buffering" effect) and
should always contain bioflavonoids. (One of the main activities
of bioflavonoids is to scavenge free radicals.

Vitamin E

- Vitamins supplements act as a powerful antioxidant by
neutralizing free radicals in the body that cause tissue and
cellular damage. Helps to prevent hardening of the blood
arteries, maintains healthy formation of red blood cells, helps
repair cell damage and skin repair.

Combine Vitamin E with Vitamin C to maintain healthy
Circulatory System,

Vitamin A

- Also has antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals
in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage, also called
retinol, helps keep your eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist.
It also plays an important role in proper bone formation,
reproduction and vision.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

- ALP is often called the master anti-oxidant as it recycles
vitamins C+E. Helps control blood sugar and cholesterol, detox
the liver and protect from cataracts.

CoEnzyme Q10

- Another key anti aging vitamin, Increases circulation,
supports heart health. Millions of Japanese are prescribed this
nutrient as a mainstay in the treatment of heart disease.

Grape seed Extract

- Derived from grape seed extract Grape seed contains powerful
phytomedicines that provide multiple benefits to the body,
including pain relief, anti-inflammatory action, and free
radical protection. Moderate allergic and inflammatory
responses, supports the immune system, slow aging and strengthen
and repair connective tissue, including that of the
cardiovascular system.
A great anti aging product.

Supplementing anti aging vitamins alone is not the answer to
optimum health. Building the habit
of good nutrition means a balanced diet with plenty of whole
grains, fruits, vegetables and protein. However many foods no
longer contain the nutrients we need on a daily basis,
anti-aging vitamins fills this shortfall

About The Author: Joel Davis provides information on staying
healthy and youthful with tips on anti aging, fitness, nutrition
and anti aging supplements at

Friday, March 7, 2008

What Should Be In My Multi Vitamin?

A good deal of us-along with eating well and getting regular
exercise-faithfully take multi vitamins to balance our body's
daily dietary needs of minerals and nutrients. Strangely enough,
many could not recite what minerals and vitamins are in them,
these percentages, or the individual nutrient's purpose, if
asked. Here is a quick reference guide that lists the essential
vitamins and minerals you should have in a basic multi vitamin,
and the mineral/vitamin amounts that your multi vitamin should
offer (based on an already healthy diet and fitness lifestyle).


· Vitamin A: 5000 IU. Vitamin A maintains normal cell
reproduction, eye/vision health, embryonic development, and aids
in normal reproductive functions.

· Vitamin B Complex (

o thiamine: 1.5mg. aids in protein, fat, and carb process into

o riboflavin: 1.7mg. helps your body process amino acids, fats,
and also converts carbs into fuel;

o niacin: 20mg. aids in the releasing of energy from carbs into

o vitamin b6: 10mg. main vitamin responsible for processing
amino acids as well as neurotransmitters that allow for
feel-good hormones: serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine;

o vitamin b12: 50mcg. maintains normal cell activity, dna
production, controls homocysteine levels, and improves SAMe
function (substance that boosts dopamine levels in the body);

o folate: 400mcg. responsible for cell growth and
multiplication, healthy dna formation, and protein synthesis;

o pantothenic acid: 10mg. responsible for the body's
cholesterol synthesis, proper adrenal glands activity, and
creates the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (maintains central
and peripheral nervous system health);

o biotin: 300mcg. aids in the metabolism of carbs, proteins,
and fats.

· Vitamin C: 100-200mg. Responsible for antioxidant functions,
collagen production, maintaining a healthy heart, improving eye
sight, preventing lead retention in the body, maximizing blood
cell health, and the protection/functions of an overall healthy
immune system.

· Vitamin D: 400 IU. Responsible in calcium absorption and for
storage to properly regulate the calcium levels in your
bones/teeth, regulates insulin levels, and blood cell formation.

· Vitamin E: 100-400 IU. Aids in cell membrane
protection/regulation, glucose production, tissue repair, and
general bodily inflammation relief.

· Vitamin K: 80mcg. Vitamin K helps distribute calcium in the
body to ensure proper bone growth and blood clotting functions.


· Calcium: 800-1,000mg. Calcium is responsible for bone/teeth
formation, strength, and health; normal blood clotting
functions; muscle contraction; and general neurotransmitter

· Magnesium: 250-400mg. Magnesium is responsible for producing
ATP (used for bodily energy), helps in the formation of new
cells, regulates the use of insulin, and provides help in bone
growth and blood clotting.

· Zinc: 15-25mg. Zinc's purpose is to synthesize proteins, heal
wounds/infections, aid in cell reproduction/health, boost
immunity from free radicals, and enhance eyesight/vision.

· Iodine: 150mcg. Iodine is responsible for the formation and
regulation of thyroid hormones, which in turn are responsible
for normal metabolic cell function.

· Selenium: 100-200mcg. Selenium aids in thyroid hormone
function, overall immune health, and cancer prevention.

· Copper: 1-3mg. Copper helps the body absorb/use iron,
manufacture collagen, and synthesize/regulate ATP (used for
bodily energy).

· Manganese: 2-5mg. Manganese aids in the maintenance of
healthy bones/skin, glucose regulation, and cartilage formation.

· Chromium: 120-200mcg. Chromium aids the body in regulating
normal blood sugar levels.

· Molybdenum: 75mcg. Molybdenum provides proper enzyme health
for the purpose of metabolizing iron effectively.

· Iron (multi vitamins come with/without iron depending on your
body's needs. As always consult your physician before adding to
your diet): 18 mg. Iron is responsible for creating ATP (used
for bodily energy) and regulating the oxygen levels in your

About The Author: is a
leader provider of cheap discount vitamins: the best vitamins
for quality health.

Monday, March 3, 2008

What Can You Give Your Kids Nutrition Wise That They Will Eat?

Being a parent isn't the easiest job in the world, and it
certainly gets even more difficult at meal times. What can you
give your kids nutrition wise that they will eat? These days
it's come to being an almost impossible decision what with all
the advertisements for fast foods that kids are bombarded with
on an almost minute by minute basis. How can you compete with a
greasy burger and fries accompanied by the latest must have toy
included free?

I tell you it's almost impossible and I had all but given up
where my kids nutrition was concerned. It was so much easier
when they were smaller and they had to eat what I set in front
of them. At least then they got some nutritious food into their
bodies. These days, it's more along the lines of a battle field.
I set a plate of delicious home cooked baked chicken in front of
them and they just stare at it in disgust and tell me they want
fried chicken!

I don't give in but sometimes I feel that it would be so much
easier if I could just forget my responsibilities to my kids
nutrition intake and let the world of processed foods take over.
It was at this almost despairing point that a fairy came to my
aid in the form of my mother, who pointed out with a wicked
smile that I had been just as bad, not eating anything that was
set in front of me.

This didn't make me feel any better, but the few recipes and
tricks that she gave me did make me feel better. At last I now
had at least a passing chance at getting my kids nutrition
intake in order. Otherwise I was going to have to resort to
giving them supplements, there was simply no other way.

If you're giving your kids baked chicken try breading it first
as this might give them the illusion of having fried chicken.
Add a little bit of spices to the mix to give it that added
taste as well. You could also try making your own burgers. These
need not be complicated affairs, and should only contain the
most basic of ingredients that you can throw together to create
something that looks and tastes like a burger.

And if that doesn't sort out your kids nutrition worries for
you there always a host of other ideas that you can try that
will have your kids eating happily at home and with no
complaints. Of course you're bound to come across one or two
things that they absolutely won't eat no matter however much you
disguise it, but other than that, you shouldn't have to worry
over whether your kids nutrition levels are what they should be.
All it takes is a little perseverance and a "fairy" mother!

About The Author: Author's sites: , ,